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Team Coaching and Practice
TotalVU shows competitor and team stats. TotalVU Esports team coaching and practice offers a unique strategy tool.

TotalVU Esports
Fans see a multiview of gameplay and players' faces capturing the highly competitive vibe. TotalVU's patented live video experience platform empowers fans with the ability to select any camera angle and unlimited audio feeds.

Boost Audience Engagement
The best fan experience. Fans can see so much more of a game and choose what they want to watch.
Curate your own Watchparty with family and friends.

Fans create their own experience story by immersing themselves in a view from all cameras at the event.

Photo by: Jordan Strauss/Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP

Esports Fans are Social
Hang out in Watchparties
Post on Social Media
Comment with audio Emotes
Play video games during breaks
Interact with Talent
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